Go Fishing NI magazine highlights the vulnerability of sharks and the importance of Sea Deeps work in its latest issue

Many people do not realise that sharks, skates, and rays live in our local waters, but in fact, we have at least 20 species that live here all year round, and more than 40 that are passing through our waters on their yearly migrations. In Grace Carr's article featured in Go Fishing NI magazine you can read more about the sharks, skates, and rays of Northern Ireland, which are some of the largest, and rare in the world.

The article highlights the vulnerability of these creatures. According to the IUCN Red List, one-third of all sharks, skates, and rays are nearing extinction. This drastic decline in shark populations around the world makes Northern Ireland waters a fundamental location for conservation efforts. This is why the work that Sea Deep does is critical for safeguarding the future of these fish. 

Read the full article here